Downtown Boise Idaho
A hot summer day fades to night from the roof at Zee’s in downtown Boise. I love this time of day as the city cools down and chills out. I grew up in Nebraska where the humidity makes it feel hot long after the sun goes down. But Boise is more like a desert, and it cools of beautifully every night.

Self portrait
I never stop pushing myself to become a better photographer, so I put in a lot of late nights in the studio refining my craft. This is from a lighting test I did to dial in a look I later used for a big magazine shoot with the University of Nebraska football team. To this day I’ve made a similar headshot like this for hundreds of Nebraska football players. When I do those kinds of big shoots, I have to be very fast and if it wasn’t for all of the practice I do in my studio I wouldn’t be fast enough to achieve the looks I want.

On the banks of the Salmon
The view from my sleeping bag on the banks of the Salmon river. I wasn’t there to make pictures, we were just relaxing for three days camping on a sandy beach and playing in the river all day. But of course I had my little camera and a tripod with me. It’s not the best image quality, but wow, Idaho is an amazing place.

The Sala Monster
My beautiful wife and I have three dogs that were all strays. This is our youngest, Sala. He’s a monster but we love him. He’s fast, strong and pretty, basically the Muhammed Ali of dogs.

Downtown Boise on foot
My wife and I have lived in a few smaller cities and we really like the fact that Boise is a legit sized city. One of the first areas of downtown we explored when we visited was near the Owyhee hotel. We were fascinated with how to pronounce it! It’s surprisingly easy.